近日,全球性设计大奖意大利 A’Design Award 公布了2021年的获奖名单.
默瑟设计参评的作品分别荣摘双项大奖,其中《默瑟上海办公室》荣获 A’Design Award 国际设计大奖铜奖.
意大利 A'Design Award
铜 奖
A ’Design Award
Italian A' Design Award is the largest, it most prestigious and most influential Design Award in the world,and it is the highest achievement. The competition is established after scientific analysis of thousands of design competitions in the world. A' Design Award is committed to providing an international competition platform for designers, creative people and design companies. At the same time,theA' Design Award also supports the global design culture and encourages participants to create excellent designs and build a better future.