近日,国际性设计大奖美国缪斯国际创意大奖Muse Creative Awards公布了2021年的获奖名单.
默瑟设计参评的作品分别荣摘双项大奖,其中《乌衣原乡半岛E1户型样板房》荣获 Muse Creative Awards 国际设计大奖金奖.
美国 Muse Creative Awards
金 奖
Muse Creative Awards
美国缪斯国际创意大奖(Muse Creative Awards)由美国博物馆联盟(AAM)与美国国际奖项协会(IAA)主办,是全球创意领域最具影响力的国际奖项,该奖项每年评选一次,表彰在视觉传播艺术方面有卓越成就的艺术家。
Hosted by the American Museums Alliance (AAM) and the International Awards Association (IAA), the Muse Creative Awards are the world's most influential international awards in the creative field, and are awarded annually to artists who have excelled in the visual communication arts.